tisdag 8 mars 2011

Got some news in email today, and among them there was a link to this page on StarWars.com showcasing some of DK Publishing's newest books slated for release sometime in 2011. The most interesting book was the Character Encyclopedia which is a visual compendium of every LEGO Star Wars minifigure to date. And, like the Visual Dictionary, it will come with an exclusive minifigure. Hopefully, it will be a medal ceremony Han Solo to complement the Luke figure. 

söndag 6 mars 2011

2011 Advent Calendar?

Lego has rumored that there will be a Lego Star Wars Advent Calendar for 2011. Well, it’s confirmed and here’s a picture to prove it. It comes with a limited edition Lego Yoda minifigure, thats dressed in Santa clothes. Besides the new Lego Yoda figure, the advent calender comes with Nute Gunray, a Battle Droid Pilot, Chewbacca, and a Clone Pilot. It also comes with seven mini-ships, that include a mini-gunship .

lördag 5 mars 2011

Impressive collection (Clone army)

Really impressive collection!!!!

The Visual Dictionary

I bought this book during the week. A really good book to get info about the different star wars set and figures that have been released for the first decades of Lego Star Wars history.

The book also includes on lego minifigure that is Luke Skywalker.

I like the book alot. If you are a collector of Star Wars Lego get this book!!!

8038 The Battle of Endor

I have just started to get my star wars minifigure collection. If im gonna get a Lego Star Wars Set this will be the first one for me to get. Just love all the scenes with the Ewoks in planet Endor. The whole atmosphere have been facinating me since i was a kid.

New Figures 2011

Sci Fi Expo in Gothenburg

This is where everything started for me. I have see Lego Star Wars figure on the Ebay before. It made me interested and also curious about the high prices of the figures. At the Sci Fi Expo in Gothenburg a week ago i saw this collection and i really fell in love. I bought some of them at the Expo and than i have ordered some from Ebay.

Now i really gonna start collecting these figures. I want to have a collection like this at home.

My new blogg about my new interest about Lego Star Wars. My interest is mainly on collecting mini figures. Search around the net on rare figure and the best prices.